Can You Catch COVID-19 from a Surface?

Learn about the risk of catching COVID-19 from a surface and how to prevent it.

Can You Catch COVID-19 from a Surface?

It's unlikely that you'll contract COVID-19 from a surface, but the risk still exists. Laboratory studies have revealed that the virus can remain on different materials for varying lengths of time. Although we don't know if these findings always apply in the real world, we can use them as a guide. Tests have found traces of COVID-19 on surfaces, but no research has established that the virus is viable in those locations.

Cleaning and disinfecting to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus doesn't have to be complicated. You likely already have everything you need in your home to get the job done. The virus can also spread if someone touches their eyes, nose, or mouth after touching a surface or object with the virus. Without cleaning or disinfecting, the virus can remain on surfaces for hours to days.

However, the risk of infection with COVID-19 from contact with contaminated surfaces is low. The risk of contracting COVID-19 from surfaces is much lower than previously thought at the beginning of the pandemic.

Donna Buccheri
Donna Buccheri

Food trailblazer. Hardcore tv maven. Evil bacon enthusiast. Devoted social media aficionado. Infuriatingly humble music aficionado. Award-winning beer ninja.

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